A Homeschooling Success Story

It was wonderful to meet old friends and make new friends at the book signing and talk I did last Friday at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Framingham, MA. I was particularly struck, as usual, by the variety of interests and pursuits I learned about from young people who aren't attending school. All too often we hear about homeschoolers who have the highest test scores, win spelling bees, or sail around the world on their own as examples that prove the success of homeschooling. However, I'm drawn to the less spectacular and conventional success stories, such as this one that I learned about Friday and whose success became apparent to all today.
Jazz vocalist Claire Dickson, age 13, has won the Downbeat Magazine Student Jazz Award for Junior High School jazz vocals. Claire’s award is announced in the current June issue of Downbeat magazine, and she was chosen from applicants all over the country. Claire will celebrate by performing a concert with her trio at Ryles Jazz Club, Inman Square, Cambridge, on June 1 at 8:30.
Congratulations to Claire and her family!

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