Homeschooling swap for books, music, video games and movies

Homeschoolers are always seeking bargains for learning materials and I have found a new site (to me) that makes online bartering fast, cheap, easy and green. Swaptree lets you swap books, music, movies and video games, one for one, at no cost to you. Your only expense is shipping your item to the person you swap with. I found a lot of school texts, both teacher and student books, as well as a plethora of homeschooling books here:
Here is a description of the site from a press release of theirs:
In 2009 alone, members conducted more than one million swaps on the site; saved members $5,549,058; and enabled members to reduce their carbon footprint by 5,011,078 pounds, in total. is often referred to by mainstream media outlets as “the eBay of Swap.” The swapping platform offers an easy, feel good way for people to recycle the stuff they have and get things they want while reducing consumption of new products.

Reader Comments (1)
Home Schooling is necessary for everyone. There are different blogs of the home schooling in different styles. These blogs give the information about the education of the child in the creative way. Swaptree lets you swap books, music, movies and video games, one for one, at no cost to you.